Hi there, I’m Julia, a writer in human and non-human languages
Curiosity is the biggest drive in my life. Some say that I am bold, or brave, or both. But curiosity is the main pilot in my life. At the same time, I question the perspectives of the world continously. So it might be that in some time I have a complete different view on this perception of reality.
If there is one activitiy that I have been doing recurringly since I was young, that was to write. Walking in my childhood room, I can dive into different versions of Julia’s minds through many diaries that cover the shelves. The one when I was nine years old, was thrilled to have received a diary as a birthday present and shared how tedious religion class was at school. Another window of the mind, a bit older, with the first heartbreak, empowered to keep on going with life in a triumphant way. Later in life, sitting in a terrrasse after having said goodbye to my parents and my brother while waiting for my return flight to Germany. After a few years, economically independent, having the burden of paying your bills as well as having the freedom that comes along.
My life has been a bit different than the usual, compared to others with whom I grew up with. I moved to Germany when I was 18 to study industrial engineering. The bachelor was very fun. Working in different engineering companies during my bachelors, I saw the backstage of products that we see, use or consume on a daily basis that I had often taken for granted. I have participated in lead-ion battery production, car manufacturing and felt like a VIP in the restricted vacuum switching chambers development (Vaccuumschaltkammern in German, which sounds even cooler!). I have seen the manufacturing process of wind turbines and worked in the flanges development.
After my university, it didn’t take long until I started working in software. The versatility and the lifestyle that I could get was the biggest marketing campaign someone could have done to myself. When I started working in software, it was another big revelation of a hidden part of the world I hadn’t discovered till then. It was like making puzzles, which I really enjoy. Taking different pieces, combining them together in different ways. A strategic and artistic activity. I was in. Being stubborn is one of my strengths and weaknesses. Thanks to it, I have been able to work in different software solutions as well as launch different services. If you mix stubborness and my above mentioned curiosity, you can describe myself pretty well in how I develop. That’s one of my growth strategies.
Growing up, I learned from my family. My relatives were some of my first teachers. Kids often look up to their parents and their elders. It was probably at home that I also started getting interested in athletes’ mentalities. People who could push themselves in a regular basis while competing around the world amazed me. In my mind they were classified as other kind of human beings.
Today, I’m the co-founder of Sunbathe, your ally for getting your daily dose of vitamin D.
Do you want to share something with me? Send me an email or contact me through any of my social media! Happy to connect. If you like my writings, I have a newsletter as well.