Updated February 28th, 2025, from Medellin, Colombia
Medellin has been my home for over two weeks now. My feeling is like when you are in love, when everything seems perfect and is full of rainbows. It has been an easy introduction to the place, since I already had a friend living here and it is a Spanish speaking country. My friend is from Brazil so I get to practice my Portuguese as well.
I have been going to socializing events, tech events and visiting different corners of the city. Nomading doing regular daily life feels special to me. I find beauty in getting to know a place slowly. I have other internal rythms or maybe I just listen more to myself.
Main occupation
My main occupation at the moment are interviews. At the beginning of the year I started collaborating with a startup on a co-founder, CTO role. We were not on the same page regarding the execution of the idea, so I decided to leave early trusting the numbers, facts and my gut feeling.
At the moment, I am actively searching for a job or freelancing position. I have done quite a number of interviews. Selections processes can be slow! There's a company where I have done already seven interviews! I might go back to Spain. It depends on the job. I am not sure anymore how long this will take since every time I think according to the timings that recruiters share with me "by the end of this week I will know where I will be working." But in the end, weeks keep passing by.
Back to the gym
Back to lifting weights! I signed up for a gym here in Medellin. They have a rumba class. I normally never go to gym classes but this one is very fun. They dance different Latin dances. One of them is called champeta and it"s fun. I like the energy of the class.
Updated January 25th, 2025, from Pamplona, Spain
I'm spending some days in my hometown. I have had a big love-hate relationship with Spain and Pamplona. Lately I have been making peace with them both and it feels better to be here.
One of the awesome parts of being in Spain is that I can have access to libraries with books in Spanish. I feel super priviledged. Also, after spending some time in my lovely chaotic Athens, it feels awesome to be able to walk in the sidewalks without obstacles. There is a calisthenics park near my place with amazing views which is awesome.
New home 🇨🇴
Two months from my appendicits operation
In my unicorns and rainbows mind, it was going to be a quick operation and I was going to be ready to go the next day. Spoiler, it didn't work like that at all! My blood pressure was extremely low, I was going around like a ghost. The appendix was extremely infected so I ended up staying one week in the hospital. After that, I needed to be two months without lifting anything heavier than 2kgs and to be careful with pretty much any movement in order to recover. This was a big deal for me because I love to move. Good news is that the two months are over!
Back to moving
In a more random way, I am running and doing sprints. It feels like when you let out a puppy in the street. Very fun and exciting.
Thinking of next steps
After all of my experiences working and living in different places, freelancing, learning and doing projects I have a lot of information in my hard drive.
In my last two years nomading, I have been exposed to an insane amount of new situations. I have gathered a huge amount of information of what I want and what I don't. I have taken decisions that have affected me deeply psychologically which destructured my inner self and I have had insane learnings which make me feel more fulfilled.
I used to be obsessed with bulletpoints, to do lists, productivity and numbers. This last year I started doing things different. I stayed closer to people who gave me energy. If a project was draining me, maybe it was time to let go because it was just not working out. Last year I took many layers off me which weren't fitting and it felt liberating.
With this in mind, I am trying to be mindful of the next steps to head in a fun direction in my life. Restrictions can be liberating. Freedom means you can choose your own restrictions. I have so much energy and love inside of me that I want to choose my restrictions carefully. It's exciting!
Updated December 4th, 2024, from Athens, Greece
I'm in Athens working as a head of tech running the Zone01 coding school. They have a peer to peer learning methodology. This means that students work to code on their own by building projects. I am realizing how much I missed the feeling of working in person with human beings.
Happiness podcast
Start choosing topics that you can champion. One or two because you are human, you are not Superman.
Find one or two real purposes that you actually care about them. Try to learn enough about them, enough depth to influence them.
Events are going to piss you off. Take that feeling. “Ok I'm angry, I will do something about it“
Three steps
Beginners level: ask yourself if what you are thinking is true (question 1). If it isn't, drop it, there is no point to be unhappy. If it is then, black belt level of happiness: can I do something about it? (Question 2) Then do something about it.
Can I accept it but not die and rot? - Committed acceptance. If you can do that, nothing can beat you.
Three options: - Not true - Decide what to do about it - Accept it
It's neuroplasticity, it is like going to the gym.
If you are here and now, there's absolutely nothing wrong. There is no tiger trying to eat you.
The fact that you think of the past and the future, its itself evidence that now is fine.
There is a difference between ambition and expectation. Set as many ambitions as you want. Once you set your expectations right, nothing can damage your unhappiness. When you are setting your expectations, avoid junk food. Measure, go back in your life and see the moments that made you happy.
Exercise - the happy list "I feel happy when..." write as many as you can.
Gratitude is the ultimate solution for the happiness equation.
Learn to love beyond conditions. The world will love you back without conditions.
The world is suffering from hypermasculinity
Black Friday
I normally don't buy anything on Black Friday. But this year I bought a few things.
- Momentum dashboard
- Let's Go book
- Simple Analytics
It is easy for me to end up getting trapped into the loop hole of the internet when you are trying to do meaningful work. With Momentum I can block many sites at the same time, they already have a predefined list which I find very helpful to not set them up manually. I'm in love with the nature images they display. They also have many different sounds for your focus sessions. It was less than 30$ a year so I decided to give it a go.
I had wanted to buy this book since forever. I had seen it recommended in different places so I decided to go for it. So far it has been easy and fun to read. I love that the book is available in HTML, epub and PDF. The HTML version is the one I have been using.
It was not in offer but I wanted to buy it for a super long time, so I decided to buy it. One of the lack of success of living from my software solutions is the fact that I have absolutely no data on how users use my applications, how they find me, why the follow me, etc. This is one step to understand better my audience. I love it because they take privacy very seriously.